EUR-Friends, twaalf contrastieve e-modules om te leren je uit te drukken rekening houdend met cultuurverschillen BE-DE-FR-NL en dit in een achttal courante situaties
EUR-Friends, twelve contrastive online modules to learn to express oneself correctly, taking into account intercultural differences BE-DE-FR-NL and that in eight situations of everyday life.
The offices of CommArt International will be closed from 1 to 15 August 2021 due to annual leave. But we remain available for our customers to fulfill orders placed during that period.
Interculturalis NPO, just concluded the 34th edition of the Flemish Olympi@d of French.
And now on to the 35th edition, undoubtedly a little bit special!
CommArt International is ready to support #digisprong in the schools. See our offer in #edtechinspiratiegids at page 11 of @agorianl.