Online Language Learning Spin-off of the University of Hasselt

Products tagged with taalcursus Frans

☁French for advanced beginners NL-FR (ERK-A2)

Learning new languages and new cultures via internet for advanced beginners: French for native speakers of Dutch (CEF-A2).

☁Dagelijkse (zakelijke) communicatie NL-FR

Would you like to learn French or refresh your skills? Would you like to learn how to communicate correctly and efficiently in general (professional) situations? Complete self-study or with professional support?

* French for beginners TR-FR (CEF-A1+A2)

Learning new languages and new cultures, for absolute and false beginners: French for native speakers of Turkish.

☁French for beginners EN-FR (CEF-A2)

Learning new languages and new cultures via internet for advanced beginners: French for native speakers of English (CEF-A2).

☁French for full beginners EN-FR (CEF-A1)

Learning new languages and new cultures via internet for full beginners: French for native speakers of English (CEF-A1).

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