Apprendre des langues en ligne Spin-off Université Hasselt

EUR.Friends, twelve online modules for language learning

EUR-Friends, twelve contrastive online modules to learn to express oneself correctly, taking into account intercultural differences BE-DE-FR-NL and that in eight situations of everyday life.

EUR-Friends, twelve contrastive e-modules to learn to express yourself, taking into account cultural differences BE-DE-FR-NL and this in eight current situations

In recent years (2017-2021), CommArt has contributed to a comparative inventory of linguistic cultural differences (verbal and non-verbal) in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. This comparative study conducted in three countries and between five cultures recently resulted in twelve online modules. These are now available free of charge for a limited period.

Order via the ComArt site ( Click on: Language in which you want to learn better  communicate, … professional/business communication … Fill in the code “EUR.Friends” when ordering.


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